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Frequently asked questions

Why Vayne rather than a competitor?
Most of the tools on the market are limited to 2,500 exported leads per day and to clean the exported file. This wastes a lot of time for sales and marketing teams.
With Vayne, you get better quality leads, faster and without risk to your LinkedIn account.
Vayne allows you to :
  • Plan your extractions in advance
  • Extract up to 20,000+ leads without manually slicing and automatically clean up your files (check LinkedIn filters, detect duplicates, remove emojis, capital letters...)
  • Export new leads that appear in your previous searches
Creating prospecting files is quick and easy, leting your sales and marketing teams focus on selling.
Why should I pre-register?
What does the free version offer?
What is the daily scraping limit?
Is my LinkedIn account safe with Vayne?
Do I need a Sales Navigator account?
How will I receive the identified leads?
How is the data cleaned?
What is a qualified lead?
What data can I export with Vayne?
Is Vayne GDPR compliant?
What is the link with Blacksales?